Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Reading Year!

Happy, happy New Year!!  It's our favorite time of year to nail down new resolutions and cross our fingers that we can make it to the end of the year still fighting to keep those resolutions we made 364 days ago.  I usually don't make them, I feel like I'm just setting myself up for failure so I secretly make bets on how long others can keep theirs, I know I'm such a downer about this.
BUT, last year I "set the bar" for myself and I kept up with every book that I read through my Goodreads account.  If you haven't heard of Goodreads you should check it out it's pretty awesome and FREE!  Think of it as a Facebook for those of us who are obsessed with books, and rock star authors.  Be my "Goodreads friend" and you can see what I read, can't we all use more cyber friends???  Sorry about the rambling,  back to this "bar" I set for myself....last year I read 71 awesome books (maybe some were so so but time reading is never wasted, right?).  This year I'm breaking my "no resolution rule" and I am challenging myself to break the 71 record, I just want to break the 71 mark, I an NOT going to state a specific number.  What if I wanted to read more?  What if I have a crazy year and I can't read for some reason?, yes and I am one of those Type A, first born personalities.
So there it is,my New Year Reading Resolution - beat 71 books this year, so what is your Happy New Year Reading Resolution?

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